How to treat your constipation naturally so you stop having bladder leakage!
Breathe it out
This may seem weird, but I swear if you try it, it will change your pelvic floor health for the better! If you are currently someone that pushes out your pee or poop, you need to switch to a healthier way! Our pelvic floor should be able to relax, which allows the gate-keeper holes to open and go! Breathing deeply into our pelvic floor allows relaxation in those muscles as well as natural pressure in our trunk to allow everything to empty for us! It's that simple. So please, stop bearing down and breathe!
Tracking your pee and poop is something you can easily get in the habit of doing. You can then correlate your hard to pass stools with time of day/ what you ate, how much you drank! We also want to eliminate "going just in case" and tracking helps with that behavior!
Have you ever heard of the Bristol Stool Chart? This chart shows the consistencies of your stool and lets you know what is considered normal! Ideally, we'd like to be at a 3-4 on the chart. Correlate this to what you've been eating and your fiber intake!
Bristol Stool Chart
Do yourself a favor and get a stool in your bathroom to put your feet up on while going to the bathroom. This tilts your pelvis and brings your knees higher than hips in the optimal position for pelvic floor relaxation meaning a much more pleasant go. I love a fold-up one like this!