Leaking During Tennis And Pickleball? The Hip And Core Connection To Bladder Control


Today's episode is inspired by a patient that plays tennis and has struggled with bladder leakage during the game!

Are you an active woman who loves to run, hit the tennis court, or find your zen in Pilates, but bladder leakage is holding you back? You're not alone! Many women experience stress incontinence during exercise, and a key culprit is often a lack of proper core engagement. It's not about just sucking in your stomach; it's about learning how to activate your deep core muscles to support your pelvic floor. When you properly engage your core, you create a natural "lift" that helps prevent those embarrassing leaks, allowing you to focus on your workout, whether you're running, at tennis, or at pilates, and push yourself harder than ever before!

So, how do you engage your core effectively? Start by visualizing drawing your belly button towards your spine while also gently lifting your pelvic floor muscles (imagine you're trying to stop the flow of urine). Practice this breathing technique during your daily activities, and slowly incorporate it into your exercise routine. Think about engaging your core before you start any movement, especially high-impact ones. By training your core to activate correctly, you can regain control, reduce bladder leakage, and finally enjoy your workouts with confidence.

Try this!

Mermaid Sit exercise for improving your hip mobility

I would love to invite you to my course ⁠Stop Peeing Your Pants , where you can get rid of this problem all together, and become leak-free in 90 days or less! We really shouldn’t have an issue with holding our bladder and there is always a deeper cause. For example, when I was dealing with urge incontinence, my root cause was the food/drinks that were in my diet because there were so many bladder irritants I was consuming. I lead you through all of this, the education, workouts, and have a plan on a calendar, a 1:1 session with me, private facebook group for Q & A’s! Check out both tier options below!


Breathe Better, Pee Less: The Secret to Bladder Control For Moms And Active Women


How To Have A Pain-Free and Bladder Leakage-Free Disneyland / Disney World Trip!