Is your ab separation - diastasis recti - causing your bladder leakage?!
First off, what is diastasis recti abdominus? aka DRA, aka, ab separation or gapping
There is so much mis-information about this topic in general but especially how to treat it. People unfortunately fall into fear-induced services because they are SCARED. I refuse to be like this. DRA is nothing to fear.
Have you ever had provider or fitness influencer tell you “do this exercise to close your gap” or “get your gap closed in 30 days.” These are all FALSE promises.
I want to invite you to join me in my course: Stop Peeing Your Pants, where you will learn the proper core brace coordination so you can strengthen your core, decrease the appearance of your gap, and stop peeing your pants in 90 days or less!
Diastasis Recti healing has so much to do with your specific tissue type (everyone is different) AND your core brace strategy.
What we really should care more about is the depth of your separation..not as much the gap. Learn more about what really matters when it comes to your gap and how I treat it in this episode.
What is your experience with the separation?
This is a natural occurrence in our bodies as we prepare for birth. Healing is different for everyone. Some women experience problems with gapping and others don’t!
Myths about Diastasis Recti Abdominus
If I do more core exercises I will close my gap completely
There are things I can do to prevent diastasis recti
If I do this exercise for 6 months, I will see the most progress I can with my gap width
Now.. why does this relate to urinary leakage?!
We haven’t even touched on the coning and doming aspect of DRA.
Our trunk is like a pressurized can- your ribcage is the top of the canister and your pelvic floor is the bottom. For a visual example, pretend that someone poked a hole in the pop can, which made the drink pour out the side.
This hole undoubtably changed the way your pressure system worked, right? Yes. This is when we can see the doming or coning occur. Which looks like rounded appearance or sinking appearance at your midline. You can control this pressure, if you know how to do so, well!
This entire organized course and workout plans are created by, Dr. Johnson, a pelvic floor physical therapist who treats this every single day!