Not only do you have to mentally prepare for labor but also physically prepare and PRACTICE!

I always use the analogy of a sports championship game (and then husbands understand), would you go into the game without any practice of what you’re going to be doing or game plan/ strategy? Absolutely not.

But that means first you have to understand what is going to be happening during the laboring and birthing process.

  • We talk about and practice the different stages of labor and how to best support yourself by moving into positions that will support baby descending in the pelvis and canal.

  • We practice breath sounds to use that will encourage an open throat when in the “pushing” part as well as closed throat in the case you are feeling called to push in that way

  • We practice partner poses of comfort so your husband feels confident in supporting you

  • We support conversation of husband roles during your labor and birth and open up conversation for your feedback and preferences depending on if you’re hiring a doula or not.

What you’ll receive after the birth prep session

  • Video exercises of a mobility plan for the weeks leading up to your birth, think hips, back, and pelvic floor

  • Videos of you practicing positions to labor in

  • Videos of you practicing positions to “push” in

  • Videos of you practicing partner positions for comfort

  • Suggestions on items to bring to the hospital or have prepared for you in your home

  • A PDF guide with everything we talk about on it, no need to take notes!

  • A full understanding of what to expect and immediate recovery tips in the case of an unplanned csection birth

  • Immediate tips for vaginal birth recovery

  • Perineal massage review

  • Understanding your options for using an epidural

Whether this is your third baby or your first, moms know every birth experience is different as is every pregnancy so don’t discount a birth prep session with this pregnancy.