Are you having bladder leakage because of your posture?
Driving Posture:
USE your head rest. This gives you a great cue to pay attention to your head and chin posture. Nod your head downwards and then retract your head back into the head rest for best head posture.
Sitting Posture:
Sit on your actual sit-bones! These are the bony bumps under your butt. Sacral sitting is when you sit with your pelvis tucked under you, you’re essentially sitting on your sacrum! We don’t love that.
Lumbar Support:
Use your lumbar support feature if you have it available! If not, simply put a rolled up towel on your seat so it hits your low back. This will give you support and help maintain your pelvis from tucking under you while you’re sitting!
Tense Booty:
It’s so easy to keep tension in your butt while you’re driving. It’s a habit that we often unknowingly have. Bring awareness to your butt the next time you’re driving and tell yourself to “relax your butt” and see if you sink into your seat- if so, you know you were holding tension there! This can create pelvic floor tightness. I catch myself doing this ALL the time because driving in PHX is stressful!