How to decrease ribcage widening after pregnancy
What is it?
Rib flare simply means that there is a visible difference between the prominence of each side of your ribcage. Either both sides are sticking out, or sometimes it’s only on 1 side!
How do you know if you have it?
The angle that your ribcage makes as it comes together is on average 80-90 degrees PRE-baby. Immediately postpartum and even YEARS later, it is very common to see it increase to 110-120 degrees. This is an angle I measure during your evaluation so we can track your progress!
Why it matters:
This big change in ribcage angle after ribcage widened to make room for baby is often times the missing piece for LEAKING, and diastasis recti, not fitting into dresses & your old bra band size!
But can I change this?!
Absolutely! You can help decrease this angle closer to pre-baby “average” values- (which is not just for looks) but for your pelvic floor function, core function, and your ability to manage pressure in your tummy!
Do you know how to connect with your obliques? This is one of my favorite exercises. It’s very SPICY for the obliques. Give it a try!