10 reasons WHY your low back hurts

Low back pain is multi-factorial and 80% of people experience it at one point in their life.

Treating low back pain is truly a rewarding journey and requires a holistic approach. I refuse to just throw a band-aid on it.

Here are 10 contributing factors of low back pain:

  • Poor quality sleep

  • lack of hydration & proper nutrients

  • mental health concerns- anxiety, depression

  • stress & lack of healthy outlets

  • lack of movement throughout your day, or being in a repeated forward flexed posture

  • distrust in medical system/previous trauma--> feeling unsafe--> nervous system adaptations & tissue changes

  • apprehensions/avoiding specific movements--> creates fear response-->more nervous system & tissue changes

  • pelvic floor dysfunction (tightness/weakness/coordination with breathing)

  • poor deep core activation & endurance

  • poor hip mobility & pelvic girdle strength (booty)

Give yourself permission to approach your health in a new way. If your provider is only addressing one, or none of the things above, maybe it's time to try someone new, someone looking at the entire YOU.

Let's talk about it, book a free discovery call!


Benefit of wearing barefoot shoes


Why are my hips so tight?!