Ergonomic home office set up from a physical therapist

There are a lot of things to consider with workplace ergonomics. Did you know I do workplace ergonomic assessments? This is for any type of work environment- not just offices/desk set ups.

Most of my clients have home offices or do some work from home, so I figured this would help!

In my opinion, there are things to look for when narrowing down which type of set up will work best for you!

Here's 3 things to check on your office chair:

1. Adjustable arm rests, at least in both height & direction

2. Adjustable height of chair- your feet should be flat on the floor

3. Adjustable lumbar (low back) and neck support

Check out this chair

Other fav office upgrades:

If you're like me and want to switch up your work environment from time to time, I would highly recommend getting a mobile adjustable desk. This allows you to take those standing breaks, no excuses.

My other favorite way to help with those days when you're tied to your computer is using an electric treadmill/walking pad. It’s life changing if you're never able to get outside & take walk breaks during your work day.

You may have noticed the theme to be ADJUSTABLE- nothing should be cookie cutter and when it comes to your healthcare either! Don't be afraid to change it up this year and part ways with providers that no longer serve you.

Schedule your free discovery call to see how I'm different!


Why are my hips so tight?!


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